Ocean City "Realty Reality"
In this article Terri shares a wonderful, and personal, tip for organization (and motivation) at the start of a New Year, whenever that may be..
A New Year and a New Page
by: Terri Moran, Contributing Author
Well, here we are in the year 2013. What do you want to accomplish this year?
When I was a little girl, I liked getting a new writing tablet. A fresh start, from the one in which I scribbled, wrote and drew silly little designs. I especially liked turning to a new fresh page with the idea that I had another chance to be neater, better and more accomplished. We do this every year when we make our New Years' resolutions.
Now it is time to turn that page, make that list and start afresh. Only you can do it. Whatever "it" is that you want to accomplish, it does not have to happen on January 1st. In 1985, I stopped smoking on the 2nd day of the year - cold turkey - with a friend and a small bet. We both won because we stuck with our resolution and the knowledge that someone else had the same goal. We rarely saw each other during that time and did not call to ask if either of us had cheated. Midyear, we finally were together socially and told each other that we had not smoked one cigarette and that the need was not there anymore. We congratulated each another and went on to feeling better physically and mentally.
Make your list now...don’t make it too long. Overwhelm yourself and you won’t stick to it. As a successful Real Estate Agent here in Ocean City, Maryland, I make daily lists to keep up with the small and large tasks we do for our clients and try to take care of the most important tasks first. Not easy when there are numerous interruptions. To be successful, one must be consistent.
Whether your goals are health, financial, physical or work related, I hope you accomplish what you set out to do and more. Have a wonderful 2013.