OCMD Things to Know:
Paying to park your car at the beach
Ocean City Parking
(Please note that parking rates have increased since these pictures were taken.)

In addition to a most alluring beach, a multitude of special events, attractive accommodations, the hundreds of eateries and shops that reside along this 10-mile long island...there’s got to be convenient parking available - for the thousands of annual visitors to OC. Though a long narrow spit, a savvy Ocean City Maryland Town Government has worked their magic to insure that all visitors (and their vehicles) shall be well accommodated.
Let's take a look at Parking in OC:
Public Parking Facilities...
The Inlet Parking Lot, with premium BOARDWALK access, lies at the southernmost location in Ocean City. Head south - when you hit the wall (follow lane markers), turn left into the Hugh T. Cropper (former Mayor) Inlet Parking Lot. This lot provides parking spaces for 1,200, including 35 handicap spaces. Complete with passenger load and unload zones, this lot is open 24 hours. Rates vary according to season and length of stay!
Additional Municipal Parking...
Lots of varying sizes are dotted up and down the island. Look for the bright blue signs - MUNICIPAL PARKING. These lots, though conveniently situated, use a most confusing (at first) pay station system: 1) Park, 2) find the little robot-like machine, 3) READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! Essentially, you are pre-paying for your estimated time to be parked. You may do this via personal credit card or quarters! Once you get the receipt, you place it on your dashboard where it is clearly visible to the 'parking' police. NOTE: The machine does not accept American Express - much to to the chagrin of many visitors!
There are additional street side 'pay station/robot' parking areas on selected streets, oceanside and bayside in the areas between S. Division Street and 99th Street (at the northern end of the Town).
West Ocean City Park & Ride...
This lot is off-island, located eastbound, just before the foot of the Rt. 50 (Ocean Gateway) bridge. (Look for the sign.) Not only can this lot accommodate many vehicles, it offers scenic views of the bay, surrounding wetlands, Ocean City skyline and our spectacular sunsets - a northerner's Mallory Square! Parking here is free. Shuttle service from this West OC lot is $1.00 per trip to the island or $3.00 for a ride-all-day pass, enabling unlimited daily trips between the Park & Ride, Ocean City Factory Outlets and the South Division Street Transit Center.
Private Parking...
Nearly every area business, be it fine restaurant, tattoo parlor, hotel, resort clothing shop or a famed OC crab house, offers free, off-street parking. Shopping centers and malls scattered along Coastal Highway also offer a place to park your ride. However, woe be unto those who abuse the privilege - please park where you are doing business.
Special Parking...
If, after a few visits to OC you’ve been fortunate enough to discover one of our treasured, easy access, unmetered (free) parking spaces - we will not tell! We want everyone to be safe and enjoy their stay in our fine resort Town.
All paid parking is in effect April 1 thru October 14 in Ocean City.