Explore the Shore
Berlin, Maryland
Entering the town limits via Rt. 818; northern entrance off Ocean Gateway, one glides past many stately, late-Victorian style homes before entering Berlin's Downtown Historic District. Just before the shopping district you'll note a large, fully-restored residence which now houses The Taylor House Museum which is open weekends throughout the summer. The Museum provides a view of Eastern Shore life 100 years ago including special displays showing Berlin's earliest industry - the famed Harrison Orchards - developer of the Hale peach. Once arrived downtown, one finds tiny shops dotting the street side landscape; each filled with unique items, including fine handcrafts and antiques. Fun and fine eateries vie for your appetite - from the super-thick shakes and thick burgers at Raynes Reef to the more refined, though contemporary, menu offered by the well-known Atlantic Hotel c.1896. Art galleries too, are plentiful. Berlin proudly wears the label bestowed by Maryland State as an official Arts & Entertainment District,one of the benefits being special tax advantages to those who create art within the area.
Recently too, Berlin became the home to the Burley Oak Brewing Company - brewing many interesting beers right here in town. Open daily, plan your visit to drop by and hoist one! With all the mention of food one may wonder how the locals stay slim...Berlin is a walk able town. The terrain is flat. Comfortable sidewalks shaded by mature trees abound throughout most of the town. Though one tax district - many small neighborhoods with a diversity of housing make up the community. Another "don't miss" are the several lovely homes located on the south end of Main Street - Burley Cottage and Burley Manor. In case we've omitted anything of note...you may stop by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce office on South Main Street where you'll find the visitor vestibule open 24/7. Beginning May 2012, there will be a QR code - smart phone accessible, virtual tour featuring even more about Berlin MD. (one of those earlier mentioned, innovative services offered by the Town)! Note to visitors: Berlin MD is known up and down Delmarva for their nearly endless calendar of free to the public events - beginning in April with Spring Celebration through the "Ball Drop" on New Year's Eve; including too, the Annual Berlin Fiddlers' Convention, Octoberfest and the month long Victorian Christmas celebration. Specific dates for 2012 may be found here: http://berlinchamber.org/berlin-maryland-events
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