Explore the Shore
Antiquing on Delmarva!For those who enjoy a treasure hunt, a day trip antiquing around the Ocean City area is definitely worthwhile, especially if you want to try your hand at being a “picker.” Unfortunately, due to the recent upheaval in our national and, subsequently local, economy, several of the most well known area antiques malls, such as Feldman's in Salisbury and Olson's in Princess Anne, have closed their doors. Fear not - there are still shops and a few, multi-dealer malls in the area. Also, there are the local “estate” auctions - another terrific place to find long-stored treasures (and sometimes, trash). Nearest to Ocean City (10 minutes from downtown) are several shops in Berlin, MD. Posed right along Main Street are Town Center Antiques Mall, Stuart’s Antiques and Culver’s Antiques (culversantiques.com) - one of the unique places, where high quality, Victorian lighting is a specialty. They also offer lovely, period Victorian furniture - lots of marble-topped, walnut! Also, logging on to a local Google search can offer other nearby shop suggestions - no matter where you are. About those auctions...these days, while many of our local auctioneers are busy with Real Estate auctions, there are periodic “Estate” auctions, entire days, even weekends, devoted to liquidating the collection of Mr. & Mrs. John Q. OldStuff - for whom collecting was a life-long hobby. These are the most fun - spending the day perched forward on a cold, hard chair, devouring shriveled hot dogs and weak coffee while desperately waving your bid number card in the air - hoping to get that chipped piece of china, or box with the missing hinge at just the right price before someone smarter/dumber and/or wealthier outbids you is terrific. Seriously, this is treasure hunting at its best! To find the specific dates of upcoming “Estate” auctions one must check out the websites of local auction companies... Several that come to mind are:
A bit of advice for novice treasure hunters:
Finally, as with anything else - if that crusty old item is just what you want - need - must have - and can afford...BUY it and enjoy!
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