Standing at the halfway point between Berlin and Snow Hill, Queponco Station was erected in 1910.

In the village of Newark, Maryland, Queponco Station stands today, silent and unused, a symbol of earlier times when the railroad was a vital part of the daily life of the people of the Eastern Shore. Standing at the halfway point between Berlin and Snow Hill, Queponco Station was erected in 1910. There has been rail service in Worcester County from 1872 until the present time. Due to the lack of demand for passenger service use of the depot dwindled in the 1960’s and the building was sold by the Pennsylvania Railroad to a private citizen who used it for storage purposes.
In 1991 a local group, Queponco Railway Station, Inc., formed for the purpose of repairing and preserving the old railway station. The mission of this group is to save the station and to preserve the heritage of the village of Newark and the railroad.
Queponco Railway Station Museum, Newark, Worcester County, MD
8378 Patey Woods Road
P.O. Box 146
Newark, Maryland 21841

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