Ocean City, Maryland
Assateague Wild Horses
Too much salt in your hair? Got sand in your shoes? Take a break from the surf, sun and sand to go see the ponies at the Assateague Island National Seashore.
Assateague Island is only a few minutes drive from the southern end of Ocean City and is truly a great place to visit. The two closest areas of the barrier island are managed by two separate government agencies. They are well cared for, have modern facilities and provide educational/informative visitors' centers.
If you can't make it there (right now), visit Assateague Pony to see photographs of the wild horses of Assateague Island and learn more about them.
Adopt a Pony! If you've ever thought about adopting a pony (yes, it is a fund raiser for the Assateague Island Alliance) you might be interested in the Assateague Foster Horse Program.
 There is always time for a little nap on the beach.
Oh, that warm sun feels so good!
 So, wheres the safest place on the beach?
Why, right next to the lifeguard stand, of course.


Wild Ponies Bite and Kick. Keep your Distance and,
as the signs warn, do not feed the wildlife. |
 Right on the beach, the ponies get up close and personal - just don't get too close. |
Here are links to the official State Park and Nation Park websites with more imformation about the ponies/horses.